gay and lesbian

Skin Flick by Bruce La Bruce as part of Akimbo’s Sweet 16th Anniversary Celebration

Tuesday, November 10, 9:30 PM FREE! @ Tallulah’s Cabaret, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 12 Alexander Street

Part of Fall 2015

Johnny Minotaur by Charles Henri Ford; narration by Salvador Dali, Allen Ginsberg, Warren Sonbert, Dan Basen and Lynne Tillman & 25th Anniversary Party

Saturday, December 13,
Screening 7:30 PM $8/ $5 Members + Students
with MM. Serra from the New York Film-Makers’ Cooperative, In Person
25th Anniversary Party, 10 PM Free!
Projections by Time Crystal Resonator (Vanessa Reiger & Brandon Dalmer)
with DJs Luis Jacob & Mystery Guest
@ CineCycle, 129 Spadina Ave.

Part of Fall 2014

Witness: Palestine

  • Barbara Hammer’s Live Projections + Performance tell the story of the occupation of Palestine
  • Friday, April 5, 7:00 pm $10 general / $5 students, seniors Advance tickets available at (Pleasure Pass/ Pleasure Dome Membership/ Images Festival passes not honoured for this event)
  • Jackman Hall, AGO, 317 Dundas Street West (McCaul St. entrance open @ 6:30) Co-presentation with Images Festival, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QUAIA), TIFF Cinematheque, Toronto Palestine Film Festival & Pleasure Dome

Part of Winter 2013


  • A Film by Steve Sanguedolce in Person!
  • Saturday, January 21, 7pm
  • Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave.

Part of Winter 2012

Community Action Center

  • A.K. Burns and A.L. Steiner in Person!
  • Saturday, September 24, 8pm Doors/ 8:30 Screening
  • @ St. Anne's Parish Hall, 651 Dufferin St. Co-presentation with Good for Her, Workman Arts and Feminist Art Gallery (FAG), 25 Seaforth Ave. Gallery Exhibition September 24 — October 29. Opening Sept. 24th, 3 — 6pm. Come by FAG 2-3pm Sunday, September 25th for a gluten free muffin top and herbal tea walk through with Steiner and Burns. ( /151383324924165)

Part of Fall 2011

Minority Report: Representing Gays, Lesbians and the Sexual ‘Other’ in Sexploitation Films

  • Lecture & Screening: Eric Schaefer in Person!
  • Saturday, June 25, 7pm
  • CineCycle, 129 Spadina Ave. down the lane

Part of Summer 2011

Therese and Isabelle (1968)

Films by Jose Rodriguez-Soltero

  • Friday, November 20, Now two shows! 7:30 & 9pm
  • CineCycle, 129 Spadina Ave.

Part of Fall 2009

Tony Conrad & Marie Losier in Person

  • Friday, December 11, 8pm
  • Latvian House, 491 College St.

Part of Fall 2009

Sinbad of Baghdad: Jack Smith’s Super8 Films

  • Guest Curated by Jerry Tartaglia (in Person)
  • Saturday, July 26, 9pm
  • Richmond St. West Courtyard

Part of Summer 2008

Art(core): The Avant Garde and the Cinematic Body

  • Guest Curated by M.M. Serra (in Person)
  • Saturday, August 2, 9pm
  • 401 Richmond St. West Courtyard

Part of Summer 2008