Part of Fall 2010
Swiss-born, New York-based artist Olaf Breuning’s epic video Home 2 (2007, 30 min.) is the sequel to his diary of an enthusiastic if narcissistic jet-setter from 2004. However, unlike the first instalment, in which the narrator-protagonist recounts his misadventures from the safety of a hotel room, this time we follow him to what appear to be Japan, Papua New Guinea and the Swiss Alps. Our anti-hero has a particular fondness for playing dress-up tricks with the locals; he gleefully encounters “the natives” but never breaks free from his own fantasies.
Lev Kalman and Whitney Horn’s Blondes in the Jungle (2009, 48 min.) is an art-film comedy about a hunt for the Fountain of Youth, featuring three blond American teenagers exploring the jungles of 1980s Honduras and buying drugs, harming nature and having magical encounters. Tons of landscape footage, a meditation on Mayan archaeology and a heavy TV teen vibe highlight this very funny impulse-buy spiritual adventure.