Puberty Film Show

  • Guest curated by John McCoullough
  • Friday, November 3, 8 pm $2 members/ $4 non-members
  • CineCycle 129 Spadina Ave. Rear

Part of Fall 1995

This project is an attempt to reclaim, by way of postmodern aesthetics, individual identities made indifferent by mass culture. Yeah right…in a pig’s eye (sorry, officer). This is a Super-8 party night so there’s really only the guarantee of fun and film (and refreshments, of course). For those of you who remember Super-8 Saturday Night this is an expanded blow-out event – more films, more artists, more tunes. The idea was to commission flicks which feature the artists’ favorite puberty pop song. You know, the one that explained or at least described pretty accurately, all those things that were happening in your jeans and your brain when you were thirteen or fourteen.

This will be a visual tribute lp, a concept album you’ll never see again. Kinda like a lo-tech karaoke; a sing-along to the power of puberty. Work your history, don’t buy it. Shake your own retro rejuvenation. It’s my hope that the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s all get soundly re-tooled tonight and that we all wake up a lot kinkier tomorrow. Depending on who finishes their film on time we can expect to see the harrowing hormonal hallucinations of the famous and soon-to-be: John Porter, Gerald Faul, Linda Feesey, Marnie Parrell, Kika Thorne, Nadia Sistonen, Milada Kovacova, Fred Spek, S. Lilova, Christins Yuan, Michelle Groskopf and Stan McGillis.’ (John McCullough)

Guest curated by John McCoullough, who, when not changing or washing diapers, just wants to rock’n roll all night and party everyday. He continues to insist that his favorite pop song is Glen Campbell’s Everyday Housewife.